Filing Back Taxes
Have you missed filing tax returns in prior years?
If you received payments or income reflected in “tax information returns” such as 1099s, W-2s, K-1s, and 1099R taxable retirement benefits, expect to get a notice from the IRS at some point. IRS notices often arrive one to three years after you miss filing a return.
If you have a Hawaii General Excise Tax number (GET) and unfiled excise tax returns, you’ll also be hearing from the Hawaii Department of Taxation.
Every year millions of taxpayers don't file their returns on time or don’t file them at all. Mark W. Lee, CPA located in Maui helps hundreds of them.
Respond promptly to tax letters.
Ignoring tax letters makes small problems big,
and big problems simply epic.
Ignore them long enough and the problems can pile up:
“Everyone’s got a good reason for not filing.”
Wage & Income garnishments
Bank account seizure and loss of access to the US banking system
Liens on homes, businesses, and other property
Third party collection calls
Denial of tax refunds
Reduced Social Security benefits
If you have questions about letters from the IRS or Hawaii Dept of Tax about your income or general excise taxes, call or schedule online today. Working together we can fix the problem. But we have to get started.